Inverse Images


About Inverse Images

Inverse Images started as a small all around photography studio when I was studying photography in college and, for no apparent reason, I've kept the name for 40 years. I started my career as a commercial photographer in 1978 and spent 14 years creating images for commercial and publishing needs.
Then the computer revolution started and I discovered abilities in designing and implementing database and software systems. This lead to a 25 year career as a database administrator (DBA) and solutions architect. Through the career change I never lost my love for photography and creating images of the world I traveled.
In 2008 I was able to retire and devote full time to church missions and photography. In 2008 & 09 I traveled to the Ukraine, Maui, Cuba, and Peru preaching and teaching about Jesus Christ and creating stunning images of natural landscapes and the workings of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the people involved in missionary outreach. 2010 I've been able to travel with teams to Kunming China, Brussels Belgium, and many places in the United States.